The Vuka Entrepreneurship Program celebrates 10 entrepreneurs who graduated in Stellenbosch at the Protea Hotel in Technopark on the 17th of March 2022. In addition, each entrepreneur was awarded R12 500.00 to assist them with their businesses.
The Vuka Entrepreneurship Program is aimed at assisting SMMEs in the township of Kayamandi, Stellenbosch by providing interventions such as training workshops, coaching sessions, masterclasses and one-on-one business coaching sessions. This is done in partnership with Experian.
In partnership with Experian, the program induction for the 2nd cohort took place on the 14th of October 2021 fully intent on tutoring entrepreneurs in developing their business in a compact 6 months program intended to assist entrepreneurs with building their businesses.
We, as Rhiza Babuyile, hope to build on these and other efforts to further advance the economies of township areas in South Africa.